Alternative & Homeopathic Treatment For Glaucoma

Homeopathic medicines, despite limited supporting evidence, are still used in many places around the world. There is an interest in homeopathic remedies for the treatment of different types of glaucoma. There is still limited evidence to support that homeopathic treatment for glacuaom is actually effective treatment when it comes to preventing loss of vision.

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that was developed in the late 18th century by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the principle of “like cures like,” which suggests that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used in diluted form to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. The idea is that the substance can stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms.

Homeopathic remedies are prepared through a process called “potentization,” which involves serial dilutions of the original substance, often until there is little to no remaining active ingredient. The remedies are typically administered in the form of sugar pellets, liquid drops, or creams.

Homeopathy has been widely criticized by the scientific and medical communities due to a lack of rigorous scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness. Many studies have concluded that homeopathic treatments are no more effective than placebo, and some countries have restricted or banned the sale of homeopathic products.

Homeopathic Treatment For Glaucoma

There are no homeopathic medicines for the treatment of glaucoma that are scientifically proven to prevent vision loss and severe optic nerve damage. Mainstream medical treatments for glaucoma aim to lower intraocular pressure and may include eye drops, oral medications, laser treatments, or surgical procedures. These treatments have been extensively studied, are supported by rigorous scientific evidence and are shown to be effective in managing high eye pressure from glaucoma.

Soley using homeopathic remedies or herbal remedies for glaucoma and not using medical eye drops prescribed by a Board Certified Ophthalmologist is likely to result in a severely increased risk of visual field damage and permanent vision loss. 

An eye doctor who has specific training in Ophthalmology and holds an MD or a DO should be the health care provider that is guiding your care. By only turning to homeopathic treatment glaucoma patients are depriving themselves from scienfically proven medications that can protect the eye’s optic nerve.

Alternative Treatment For Glaucoma

THC and Cannabis have gotten a lot of attention in recent years as they are known to lower eye pressure. However, the problem with using THC as a primary form of glaucoma treatment is that the effect is short lasting. The pressure lowering effects of THC only last 3 to 4 hours. 

It is important that the pressure lowering for this group of eye conditions lasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Without sustained control, peripheral vision loss is likely to occur. Always discuss any alternative therapies for glaucoma with your ophthalmologist and get their professional medical advice.  

Dangers Of Homeopathic Treatment For Glaucoma

Using homeopathic medicine for glaucoma can potentially provide a false sense of security in patients. This is because homeopathic remedies have not been scientifically proven to be effective in treating glaucoma or lowering intraocular pressure, which is the main goal of glaucoma management. 

Relying on unproven treatments may lead patients to believe they are addressing their condition when, in fact, they may not be receiving adequate treatment. This false sense of security can be dangerous, as glaucoma can progress without noticeable symptoms until significant vision loss has occurred. Delaying or avoiding conventional, evidence-based treatments can result in irreversible damage to the optic nerve and potentially lead to blindness.

Can Homeopathic Treatment For Glaucoma Interact With Other Medications?

In general, homeopathic medications are considered to have a low risk of interacting with other medications. This is mainly because homeopathic remedies are highly diluted, often to the point where there is little to no active ingredient left in the final product. As a result, they are less likely to cause interactions with other medications or produce side effects.

However, it is important to note that some homeopathic products may not be as highly diluted or could be improperly labeled. In such cases, there is a possibility of interactions with other medications. Additionally, some homeopathic remedies are made from substances that could cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.

Symptoms Of Glaucoma

The most common form of the disease is called open-angle glaucoma. This is typically slowly progressive and initially may present with no symptoms at all. The trabecular meshwork is a part of the eye that is found in the drainage angle of the eye. This angle is where the fluid of the eye, the aqueous humor, exits the eye. When there is difficulty with drainage fluid pressure gradually builds causing elevated eye pressure. Because this rise is slow, patients do not usually notice it themselves. In moderate to late stages of glaucoma, patients may experience patchy loss of peripheral vision. This is why it is so important for people to be screened for open angle glaucoma during their eye exams. This can help to preserve good vision before the disease advances. 

On the other hand, acute angle-closure glaucoma typically presents with severe eye pain and in most cases urgent laser treatment is an effective remedy for this problem. Patients will also likely need eye drops and maybe even oral medications to lower their eye pressure to help relieve the eye pain and preserve vision. 

This type of closed angle glaucoma is a medical emergency. The severe pain is due to the sudden increase in eye pressure. If it progresses to an advanced stage it can cause the visual acuity to decline quickly. Patients may have sharp pain, visual disturbances, a red eye, headache, nausea, and even vomiting. 

Homeopathic remedies will not be effective in treating acute angle closure glaucoma. Patients should go to an emergency room immediately where they can get scientifically proven care to help their eye get back to a normal eye pressure. 

Other causes of glaucoma include, but are not limited to, pigmentary glaucoma, glaucoma from trauma, glaucoma from neovascular changes, and uveitic glaucoma. Some of these present with symptoms while others do not. The best way to have the overall health of your eye evaluated is to see an ophthalmologist who can help treat this major cause of blindness.

Homeopathic Treatment For Glaucoma: Summary

The main aims of glaucoma therapy are to lower the pressure in the eye. While some homeopathic doctors and alternative medicine doctors may recommend products like ginkgo biloba, dark leafy greens, nitric oxide, bilberry, or cannabis, none of these are scientifically proven to prevent vision loss from glaucoma. Glaucoma eye drops have rigorous scientific evidence supporting their use to prevent glaucoma progression. It is extremely important to also have an ophthalmologist involved in your eye care along side your homeopathic doctor. Some homeopathic medications may interact with other medications that you may be using for glaucoma treatment. Always discuss with your ophthalmologist the best and most scientifically effective ways to control your glaucoma. 

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